Sprout Kids is not just a childcare program, it is an opportunity for your kids to learn about Jesus and become world changers for the sake of the gospel.

Faith Goal at Sprout Kids:  To reach the hearts of children by showing them Jesus every Sunday, through the Gospel. 

Ministry Goal for Sprout Kids:  As the Ministry Director, I put a lot of value on you as the parent. God has called you, the parent, to be the ambassador of Chirst to the child he blessed you with. In our children's ministry I would like to walk alongside you in discipling your child. 

Safety:  Here at Sprout Kids we want you to feel comfortable dropping your children off for kids church.  All of our volunteers go through a background check and fill out an application. We request that all of our volunteers are members of the church and have been here for a minimum of six months. 

When you arrive on Sunday morning parents have two options for their children, you may choose to keep your child upstairs with you during worship, or you can check them in downstairs and drop them off in the dining room for kid's worship. We understand that some families value having their children with them worshipping God as a family and support whatever option works best for your family. 

Downstairs, we aim to run a kids service that mimics the adult's service upstairs, while keeping it kid friendly so that children have the ability to not only worship God, but to learn about God's word, in a way that is easy and accessible for them to understand.  Children are always welcomed to stay upstairs with their parents for the entirety of the service. We want to support you and your family, in the way that is most comfortable for you. 

  • Kid's Church is designed for your little ones; 2 years old to 3rd grade.
  • Our nursery is designed for infants 0 to 23 months old. 
  • 4th grade and up stay ustairs with parents. Don't forget to grab sermon notes in the back and turn into the giving box. After 5 are turned in, your child can earn a prize! 

Questions? Feel free to contact our Children's Ministry Director:

Tara Hicks (907) 782-6213

Meet The Director

My name is Tara Hicks and I am the Children's Director here at CCC. 

"For we walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7 (ESV)

Meet The Co-Director

My name is Lexi McQueen and I am the co-director of children's ministry here at CCC.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Phillippians 4:6 (ESV)