Sprout Kids is not just a childcare program.


It is an opportunity for your kids to learn about Jesus and become world changers for the sake of the gospel.

KID'S CHURCH is designed for your little ones; 2 years old to 3rd grade.


Our NURSERY is designed for infants, Birth to 23 months old. 


4th grade and Up stay upstairs with parents. Don't forget to grab sermon notes in the back and turn into the giving box. After 5 are turned in, your child can earn a prize from our prize-box! 

What does KID'S CHURCH look like?

Arrival @ CCC
Upon your arrival at our service, you may choose to keep your child upstairs with you during the service, or you can check them in downstairs for Kid's Church.
Once downstairs, we offer two convenient Check-In Kiosks at our Parent Resource Center, where two stickers will print: one is a name-tag for your child, the other is a Check-Out sticker that is needed to check your child out after service.
Kids Worship
After checking in, kids will gather in the Dining Room for Kids Worship just like we do upstairs!
Teaching from the Bible
After worship, we spend time learning about God's word and what it means to follow Jesus, all in a way that is easy and accessible for kids to understand. 
Snack Provided
We know kids get hungry! We provide a snack for kids around the half-way point of the service. If your child has any allergies, please alert one of our volunteers!
After our Worship, Lesson and Snack, kids will have an activity that is tied to the lesson, whether it be something active or a craft!
Checking Out!
When service is over, bring the Check-Out sticker to the Kiosk, enter the number to check your child out and get your child from the gymnasium!

We want to reach the hearts of children by showing them Jesus every Sunday, through the Gospel, but, we also put a lot of value in YOU as the parent!


God has called you, the parent, to be the ambassador of Christ to the child He has blessed you with. We exist, as a ministry at CCC, to walk alongside you as you disciple your child!



Here at Sprout Kids we want you to feel completely comfortable dropping your children off for NURSERY or KID'S CHURCHAll of our volunteers are screened by our leadership, fill out an application, and get a background check. We also request that all of our volunteers are members of the church and have been here for a minimum of six months

Get in touch with the Team!

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